Engagements with Mombasa County Government- Finance Bill 2013
November, 2013


 Tourism Stakeholders forum was held on 27th November 2013 at Travelers Beach Hotel. The meeting was organized by the association together with other stakeholders to engage the county government on the proposed new taxed and levies. This was a follow-up session with an earlier one where the secretariat had met with the Governor  of Mombasa on the same. Members present agreed to support the count government by paying the proposed increases in some taxes and levies, but totally remained opposed to the proposed bed levy of kshs.500 per bed per night, which will have huge including making the destination a very expensive one. The Tourism industry has prepared a memorandum on the same and submitted to the county government for consideration. With proposals to devote a significant chunk of the money to beach management program and other services that are of direct benefit to the industry



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