Eka Hotel, Eldoret
Rift Valley (Malaba Road, Rupa’s Mall, West Wing, Eldoret, Kenya)

Welcome to Eka Hotel Eldoret, a Contemporary style Hotel that provides all the Comfort, Convenience and Efficiency to the discerning traveler. The Hotel incorporates modern facilities and functional technology with clear focus on affordable quality suitable for a world traveler.

The hotel is conveniently located at Rupa’s Mall, left wing in Eldoret town. The tranquil location forms a homely and formal setting ideal for both leisure and business. It also offers easy access to the airport, town Centre and the region’s main attractions, eateries and entertainment venues.

P. O. Box 8434 – 30100 Eldoret, Kenya

Tel: +254-111-150000
Cell: +254-793-465505

Email: info@ekaeldoret.com
Website: https://www.ekaeldoret.com